My Baltimore Spirit Listen Live

griff's prayer

Source: c/s / iOne


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Today’s Ericaism is all about getting your rest.






Oh, y’all, I’m trying to get better at resting but Darn it, this drive that I have makes me say yes and do things when I really should be taking a moment. I often have to remind myself of Matthew 11:28 through 30, “come to me, all you who labor and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy. And my burden is light.” I have to tell myself that his yoke is easy, and His burden is light. So if I’m saying yes to things, and you’re overwhelmed and stressed, and don’t feel like you can do a good job and dealing with anxiety, then maybe you should take a break and take a step back. Listen, I’m talking to you, and I’m talking to me too. I know that we have a desire to achieve and to be and to do. But if it comes at the cost of our piece, then I think that we should rethink it.

Sometimes you will be tired and sometimes you have to do things afraid and sometimes you do but there’s also time to really see God and say, God, is this about you, or is this about me? Am I doing something to make sure that I make my own way for my life? If you said you provide than you providing that doesn’t mean that I have to be overwhelmed and stressed. And we have to make sure that we tell ourselves that. My presence will go with you I will give you rest.” And when God gives you rest, it’s not just sleep. It is more complete. It’s not just closing your eyes, it is rejuvenation. It is strength, it is restoration, it is allowing your body to be restored. So I pray rest on your life and on mine.




Ericaism: Get Your Rest  was originally published on