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Recent video released by Imamu Baraka that shows University of Maryland Medical Center – Midtown Campus (UMMC) security guards leaving a disorientated woman in a hospital gown at a bus stop has not only shocked Baltimore, but the nation.

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Baraka’s series of unsettling videos went viral earlier this week after he captured the moment (with detailed commentary) walking by UMMC. After noticing the condition of the woman being dropped off in the freezing temperatures, he took matters into his own hands.

“They just left all of her stuff out here, right?” he said in the video. “This is disgusting, that they would just leave her unattended on a bus stop, half-naked.”

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When Baraka approached the staff that dropped the mysterious woman off, someone could be heard saying, “She was medically cleared,” despite her inability to communicate. He eventually called for help, but says medics, returned her to the hospital she’d been disturbingly discharged from.

“When I say she had no clothes on, she literally had just a hospital gown on. No underwear, and it is at least 30 or colder degrees out here,” he said. “The idea that they’re going to take her back to the hospital where security discharged her, that is so irresponsible.”

UMMC, which did not approve of the way the patient was handled, released this statement on Facebook:

“We share the shock and disappointment of many who have viewed the video showing the discharge of a patient from the Emergency Department of UMMC Midtown the night of January 9. This unfortunate event is not representative of our patient-centered mission.

While there are many circumstances of this patient’s case that we cannot address publicly, in the end we clearly failed to fulfill our mission with this patient, no matter the circumstances of her case or the quality of the clinical care we provided in the hospital (which is not depicted in the video). We are taking this matter very seriously, conducting a thorough review, and are evaluating the appropriate response, including the possibility of personnel action.”

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SOURCE: CBS Baltimore 

Out In The Cold: UMMC Staff In Baltimore Leaves Half-Naked Patient At Bus Stop, Hospital Releases Statement [VIDEO]  was originally published on