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Rep. Maxine Waters

Source: Bill Clark / Getty

Rep. Maxine Waters may have had nothing to say to Fox News anchor Bill O’Reilly about his recent racist and sexist comments about her, but she definitely had a lot to say when she was on MSNBC on Tuesday night.

And she didn’t hold back.

“I am a strong black woman, and I cannot be intimidated. I cannot be undermined,” Waters told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

“I cannot be thought to be afraid of Bill O’Reilly or anybody. And I’d like to say to women out there everywhere: Don’t allow these right-wing talking heads, these dishonorable people, to intimidate you or scare you. Be who you are. Do what you do. And let us get on with discussing the real issues of this country.”

She also made sure to stress how O’Reilly and former Fox News head Roger Ailes has a history of ill treatment toward women and have “no credibility.”

“They have been sued by women. They have had to pay millions of dollars in fines for harassment and other kinds of things. And so we know about that checkered past. And we also know that when a woman stands up and speaks truth to power that there will be attempts to put her down, and so I’m not going to be put down. I’m not going to go anywhere. I’m going to stay on the issues,” she added.

In addition, she thanked Hillary Clinton for coming to her defense and said that the former presidential candidate “[stood] up for all women and in particular for Black women.”
As we previously reported, during Monday’s broadcast of “The O’Reilly Factor,” O’Reilly boasted that he couldn’t hear past Waters’ repeated condemnation of President Trump because he was distracted by her hairstyle.

“I didn’t hear a word [Waters] said. I was looking at the James Brown wig. If we have a picture of James, it’s the same wig,” he said.

The nerve!
But it’s clear that Auntie Maxine got the last word.



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Auntie Maxine To Bill O’Reilly: ‘I’m A Strong Black Woman, I Cannot Be Intimidated’  was originally published on