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The writing has been on the wall for a while that former Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders would have to concede to rival Hillary Clinton and it happened today. Sanders officially endorsed Clinton for president and vowed to help her take down Donald Trump.

Democratic Presidential Primary Debate

Source: Alexander Tamargo / Getty

CNN has all the details regarding today’s game-changing announcement, as well as what Sanders plans to do to ensure Clinton snags the White House in November.


Their report states:


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders formally declared an end to their political rivalry Tuesday, joining forces to take on a shared enemy: Donald Trump.


“I have come here to make it as clear as possible why I am endorsing Hillary Clinton and why she must become our next president,” Sanders said at a joint rally here. “Secretary Clinton has won the Democratic nomination and I congratulate her for that.”


The 74-year-old self-described democratic socialist, who has been a thorn in Clinton’s side over the last year, pledged to support his former rival through Election Day: “I intend to do everything I can to make certain she will be the next president of the United States.”


“We are joining forces to defeat Donald Trump!” Clinton declared. “I can’t help but say how much more enjoyable this election is going to be when we are on the same side. You know what? We are stronger together!”


And even as she struck a victorious tone, Clinton also repeatedly and directly addressed the Sanders supporters in the high school gymnasium.


She walked through a number of policy issues where Sanders had pulled her to the left during the course of the election — minimum wage; the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, college affordability — to make a broader concession: the movement that Sanders created was nothing short of a political revolution.


“Sen. Sanders has brought people off the sidelines and into the political process. He has energized and inspired a generation of young people who care deeply about our country,” she said. “To everyone here and everyone cross the country who poured your heart and soul into Sen. Sanders’ campaign: Thank you.”


The long-anticipated unity event, coming less than two weeks ahead of the Democratic National Convention, effectively puts to rest Democratic fears of a political nightmare scenario: that Sanders might sit on his hands in the general election, or worse, run as a third-party candidate on the left.


Clinton aides are confident that Sanders — who excited the liberal base and won young voters by large margins during the primary — could be a potent weapon against Trump and help Clinton rev up liberal voters.


Well this is an interesting turn of events that actually aren’t that surprising, as joining forces together to defeat Trump is a better plan for the White House than continuing to sling mud at each other. We have a long way to go until November, so let’s see how this all plays out.


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Bernie Sanders Officially Endorses Hillary Clinton  was originally published on