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If you didn’t know any better, you might think that you woke up in 1994 or 1995 all over again, as the current fascination and endless media attention involving the OJ Simpson murder trial just refuses to slow down. Today a former juror has a controversial theory as to why Simpson received a not guilty verdict for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.


As reported by Love B. Scott, former Simpson trial juror Carrie Bess was interviewed for the ESPN documentary OJ: Made in America, which airs its final installment on Saturday, June 19th, where she bluntly stated that she felt that the overwhelming majority of the jury reached a not guilty verdict as payback for the beating of Rodney King and subsequent acquittal by the officers involved in the highly publicized and racially motivated incident back in 1992.


This revelation should come as little surprise, as it has been thought for several years that the Rodney King case was a direct response to not only OJ Simpson’s acquittal, but also the overwhelming support Simpson received from the black community throughout the duration of the trial.


Bess’ full statement reads:


Interviewer: Do you think there are members of the jury that voted to acquit OJ because of Rodney King?

Bess: Yes.

Interviewer: You do.

Bess: Yes.

Interviewer: How many of you do you think felt that way?

Bess: Oh, probably 90 percent of them.

Interviewer: 90 percent. Did you feel that way?

Bess: Yes.

Interviewer: That was payback.

Bess: Uh-huh.

Interviewer: Do you think that’s right?


It’s clear that the stories, theories, revelations and interviews about this case are far from over. However, this development is an interesting twist that practically confirms what many perceived all along.


Check out more of the OJ Simpson trial here:

Former OJ Simpson Juror Says Not Guilty Verdict Was ‘Payback’ For Rodney King  was originally published on