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Welcome to the “No Lie Zone.”

During Tuesday morning’s edition of TV One’s NewsOne Now, Roland Martin took Fox News contributor Juan Williams, CNN host Don Lemon, and the mainstream media to school over their coverage of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Critics of the movement claim that Black Lives Matter activists have no specific agenda, and as Williams stated in a recent column published at

#BlackLivesMatter is fast becoming its own worst enemy.

It lacks an agenda, it is antagonizing the Black community’s top White political allies, including Democrats running for the party’s 2016 presidential nomination, and it is not finding common ground with any of the Republican majority in Congress.

Williams asked: “Where is the list of solutions to the injustices [the movement] so often decries?”

Last week, Martin, host of NewsOne Now, took Williams to task for characterizing Black Lives Matter in that way. In this Tuesday’s edition of the “No Lie Zone,” Martin noted that CNN’s Don Lemon now “joins the lie.”

Before that, Martin showed a clip of a recent exchange on CNN between Lemon and Rashad Turner of the St. Paul, Minn. chapter of Black Lives Matter, which you can see in the video above.

Lemon: What is the end game of Black Lives Matter when you don’t want to involve [yourselves] in the political process, when so many things have come together to help your particular cause?

Turner: You see, the end game is for us to stop being killed. For us to stop being beat –

Lemon: But how does that happen – and I want to be very respectful of you – but how does that happen without legislation, without being involved in the political or legislative process? It doesn’t just happen from yelling.

Martin responded to the clip by asking:

“Don, do you have the capacity to actually use Google? You see, this is what happens when you sit in your office all day and you don’t do any real reporting.”

Then, in professorial fashion, Martin broke down the movement for Juan Williams, Don Lemon, and Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly (whom he blasted last week for his vow to put #BlackLivesMatter “out of business”) in an abridged Black Lives Matter 101 course, highlighting these important facts about the movement:

  • The hashtag #BlackLivesMatter was created in 2013 after George Zimmerman was acquitted of killing Trayvon Martin.
  • The Black Lives Matter “movement” is not a single entity and it didn’t just start in 2013.
  • Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi created the hashtag.
  • #BlackLivesMatter became the unifying rallying cry of many who were fighting for social justice.
  • Black Lives Matter is a national group, but the 25 nationwide chapters are autonomous.
  • There is no one person or group who controls the Black Lives Matter Movement.

Martin also debunked the notion that the movement is devoid of an agenda by reminding the nation Black Lives Matter activists announced their Campaign Zero initiative, which details 33 specific public policy solutions.

Martin also highlighted specific demands by Justice League NYC and Ferguson Action, among other groups, to end police violence, institute criminal justice reform, and push for change:

“Folks, this is public policy, and so what Juan Williams wrote, is a lie. What Don Lemon said, is a lie. What Bill O’Reilly said, is a lie. What this proves is, they know nothing about Black Lives Matter. They know nothing about the activism going on by these various groups. They don’t even bother to have these various folks on the show.”

Martin wrapped the segment, saying:

“What you see here, folks, is a clear intent to destroy what has been going on. A clear intent to delegitimize the activism going on…

“So I would hope mainstream media — since I have now taken you to school to understand this — that you actually do some research and stop thinking somehow there is one organization and one leader you can call to understand this Black Lives Matter movement.”

Mark your calendars! TV One NewsOne Now moves to 7 A.M. ET starting Monday September 14th. Until then, be sure to watch “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, weekdays at 9 a.m. EST on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes.


Roland Martin Urges Bill O’Reilly To “Shut The Hell Up” Over Vow To Shut Down #BlackLivesMatter

Bill’s Lies Matter: Roland Martin’s Talking Points Memo On #BlackLivesMatter Controversy

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No Lie Zone: Roland Martin Takes Don Lemon & Juan Williams To School On #BlackLivesMatter  was originally published on