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Ray Rice

As conversation swirls around ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith‘s controversial domestic violence comments, the man at the center of them, Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice, owned up to his “mistake,” reports USA Today.

RELATED: ESPN Suspends Stephen A. Smith For Domestic Violence Comments [VIDEO]

“The pain I’m talking about living with is that, is waking up every day, and my daughter is 2 years old now, I have a little girl who’s very smart, very intelligent,” Rice said during a press conference on Thursday. “And one day she’s gonna know the power of Google. And we have to explain that to her—what happened that night. And I know that’s not who I am as a man.

“That’s not who my mom raised me to be. Anybody knows me and knows me, they know I was raised by a single parent and that was my mother. And sitting here today and replay the things my mom raised me to be. I let her down, I let my wife down, I let my daughter down, I let my wife’s parents down, I let the whole Baltimore community down, and I got my teammates here to support me and I let my teammates down, you know, I let so many people down because of 30 seconds of my life that I know I can’t take back.”

As previously reported by NewsOne, ESPN has suspended “First Take” commentator Stephen A. Smith for one week following controversial remarks he made when discussing the  incident.

Smith said that some men claim to be provoked into hitting women, and so women should take preventative measures.

He will return next Tuesday.

Though Rice didn’t speak on Smith’s remarks directly, he defended his wife against speculation that she possibly “provoked” him.

“My wife can do no wrong,” he said Thursday. “She’s an angel.”

Ray Rice Publicly Apologizes To His Wife For Domestic Violence Incident [VIDEO]  was originally published on